AWS Consulting

We are all on AWS

For 14 years, AWS has been the most comprehensive and widely adopted cloud platform in the world. It pioneered the opportunity to replace capital infrastructure upfront investment expenses (CapEx) with low variable operating costs (OpEx) that scale with your business to improve operating costs. This delivers easily observable improvements in labor productivity, cost reduction, operational resilience and business agility.

Take advantage of essential AWS services

We can help you get the most out of your AWS infrastructure.

Auto Scaling:Leverage AWS Auto Scaling to scale your application based on traffic and demand.

Serverless: Build applications and services without worrying about provisioning, scaling, and managing servers.

Containers: Run and scale containerized applications on AWS ECS without installing or operating your own container orchestration software

Spot Instances: Use Amazon EC2 Spot Instances to optimize your costs on AWS and increase the performance of your applications up to 10 times for the same budget.

Costs: Manage cloud costs proactively by identifying unused resources.

CloudFormation: Improve operational efficiency using infrastructure templates. Get faster troubleshooting on your infrastructure with AWS CloudFormation.

CloudTrail: Use the history of events in your AWS account to facilitate security analysis, resource changes, and troubleshooting with AWS CloudTrail.